Employees of bodies of prosecutor's offices edges congratulated pupils of orphanages, large families, veterans on coming New Year's and Christmas holidays

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In anticipation of New Year 2017 and Christmases workers of the office of prosecutor's office edges congratulated on the 97 anniversary and coming holidays of the veteran Velikoi ̆ Otechestvennoi ̆ voiny Timoshenko Nicholas . It was called on the front in 1942 and for the merits in military ̆ the period is awarded with the medals "For Services in Battle", "For a Victory over Germany in Velikoi  Otechestvennoi  to the Voiyena of 1941-1945.", and also Ordenom Otechestvennoi ̆ voiny the II degrees. Having thanked for work and courage, employees of prosecutor's offices wished to Timoshenko Nicholas a good health, long years of life and assured that he always naidet help and...