"There is nobody" above. Pelé designated God for Brazil

@360° Podmoskov'e
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Pelé (Edson Arantis du Nasimentu) — the genius and a soccer legend. To see its game was the real happiness. With it associate Brazil. Such opinion in conversation with TV channel 360 ° was expressed by the Russian TV reporter, the producer, the sportscaster of TV channels of VGTRK (TV channel "Rossiya" and TV channel "Rossiya 2") Grigory Aleksandrovich Tvaltvadze. The genius and a legend of soccer Grigory Aleksandrovich Tvaltvadze called Pelé's death an awful event in spite of the fact that its death was time business. "Pelé — a legend, because a legend. Because in a different way not to call the only triple world champion" — the TV reporter spoke. Grigory Aleksandrovich Tvaltvadze marked out that remembers...