Soccer. Youri Puntus: Valery Stripeykis will be my assistant in "Naftana"

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The Belarusian trainer Youri Puntus, come back to the highest league not with rogachevsky "Makslayn", and with Novopolotsk "Naftan", told how plans to work at a new place. Legend of Novopolotsk soccer and your former ward as a part of BATE Valery Stripeykis was the assistant to the ex-head coach "Naftan" Gerashchenko Vyacheslav. Whether it is necessary to work it in your trainer's staff? Yes, he also will be my assistant. Valery Stripeykis though not for long played under my management in Borisov, but we and are very well familiar long ago with it. "Makslayn" was based in Minsk, and here transition to "Naftan" means moving...