Elevator does not go further. The legendary Moscow plant risks not to get out of bankruptcies

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PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KMZ" – the legendary enterprise. Here built lifting mechanisms for Snow-storm spaceship service, for the East spaceport, the Ostankino teletower, the main thing of buildings Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University and many others sign for the country of buildings. The last two years the enterprise teetered on the brink collapse. KMZ passed this invisible line in March, 2022 when the arbitration court declared the enterprise bankrupt. It is possible to say long that elevators was not lucky production plant with owners. To the middle of the 2010th KMZ entered into structure Open joint-stock company "Promsvyazbank" the scandalous...