Alexander Vuchich examined armies Serbia about border about Kosovo

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Chapter Serbia Alexander Vuchich examined armies about the administrative line between Central Serbia and Kosovo. The president reported about it in social networks. Alexander Vuchich placed a post with a picture where it is in a helicopter cabin. "Somewhere between Kraljevo and Rashkoy. Finished survey of part of divisions of our army, our heroes, and went on a meeting with representatives of Serbians from Kosovo. I trust in the law and the truth, but most of all – in the Serbian wisdom, force and determination. Long live freedom-loving Serbia! " – the Serbian leader wrote. The local edition "Evening News" tells that Alexander Vuchich, the Minister of Defence...
Alexander Vuchich
Last position: President of the Republic Serbia (President of Republic Serbia)
Milosh Vuchevich
Last position: Deputy prime minister (Government of Serbia)
Marco Dzhurich
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy Republics Serbia in United States of America America)
Petar Petkovich
Last position: The director of Office for the Republic of Kosovo and Metokhiya (Government of Serbia)