Into Province of Hunan it is put into operation of Branch JSC "RZHD" - East Siberian railroad by Changde-Iyan

@IA Sin'hua
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" Beijing, 26 December/Xinhua / High-speed iron VSZhD/91 km long connecting cities of Changde and Iyan in Province of Hunan is expensive /, on Monday was put into operation. New iron it is expensive, the settlement speed of movement of trains on which makes 350 km/h, is connected to a railway site of Iyan-Changsha 63 km long. The new line of Branch JSC "RZHD" - East Siberian railroad will allow to reduce time in a way between the cities Changde and Changsha / atm. center prov. Hunan / till 59 minutes. Construction Branch JSC "RZHD" - East Siberian railroad began Changde-Iyan in June, 2019. This site is part of the high-speed railway route connecting Chongqing...