In regional investigative management rewarding of the chief physician of scientific research institute - Regional Clinical hospital No. 1 the Hero Trud Russian Federation Vladimir Alekseevich Porkhanov medal SK Russian Federation "For high civic consciousness"] took plac

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Today at the request of the Chairman of SK Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin Maslov A. K. to the chief physician of scientific research institute - the Regional Clinical hospital No. 1 a name of professor Ochapovsky S. V. to the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Alekseevich Porkhanov is handed over to SKR by the head of regional managements a medal Committees of inquiry of Russia "For high civic consciousness". The high award was handed over to Vladimir Alekseevich Porkhanov in Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of the Krasnodar Territory in a festive atmosphere in the presence of the Minister of Health of edge Eugenie Fedorovich Filippov and the employees Investigation department of Investigative committee of the Russian Federation on Irkutsk region. Handing over a medal, the head...