The germanist declared that in Europe voices of social alarmist] are even more often distribute

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The most pessimistic scenario for Germany — this transformation into "the state of beggars". It was declared to the correspondent of Pravda.Ru by the senior research associate INSTITUTE OF WORLD ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS RAN, INSTITUTE OF WORLD ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS NAMED AFTER YE. M. PRIMAKOVA RAN of Primakov, the germanist Kamkin Alexander, making comments on the statement of the German sociologist Ulrich Schneider ". It can be considered as the pessimistic scenario of developments events. The German publicists in recently left book "Self-damage of Europe"" hold the similar opinion — the interlocutor speaks. It is now difficult to tell what there will be an economy of the European countries, nobody can predict, but alarmist moods in society are...