Soccer. BATE called 27 players who have got down to training work, and reported about trainer's shifts

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On Monday, December 19, borisovsky BATE got down to training work which will last till December 29. The group of players, on whose share in the left season dropped out big loading, received individual tasks — and will join team later (as well as recruits "yellow-blue"). For the same moment the following holder of football players participates in occupations in the fresh air and in a gym: goalkeepers — Dergachev Vyacheslav, Ignatyev Wladyslaw, Kudravets Andrey, Arseny Skopets; defenders — Malkevich Wladyslaw, Martynov Alexander, Melko Wladyslaw, Nechaev Danila, Oreshkevich Jaroslaw, Svidinsky Matvey...
Roman Kirenkin
Last position: Fitness coach (FC "Slaviya-Mozyr")
Dergachev Vyacheslav
Ignatyev Wladyslaw
Kudravets Andrey
Malkevich Wladyslaw