The minister of educations and sciences Tambov Region appointed Tatyana Kotelnikov, and the head of the Ministry of Justice and regional security areas — Alexander Yefimenko. The corresponding order signed

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The minister of educations and sciences Tambov Region appointed Tatyana Kotelnikov, and the head of the Ministry of Justice and regional security areas — Alexander Yefimenko. The corresponding order was signed by the head of the region Maxime Borisovich Yegorov. Tatyana Kotelnikov graduated from the Tambov normal school No. 1 of K.D.Ushinskogo and Derzhavinskaya university. From 1992 to 1997 worked as the elementary school teacher, the deputy director of schools. Since 2003 replaced various positions of the public civil service Tambov Region in ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OBRAZOVANIYA and sciences Tambov Region. With...