Herd of horses for winners of competitions bought In Nukuty district

@Vesti Irkutsk
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© broadcasting company "Irkutsk" / Koryabochkin Artemy, Kazakov Roman, Mokin Alexander Fighters Nukuty district only expect the prizes. Specially for these purposes there bought herd of thoroughbred horses. As legends say, by stallions of such barsovo-dappled color there went Genghis Khan. Anyway, this "the Buryat native" — so is called breed — precisely knows the own worth. Strong, capricious, cocky — it, nevertheless, will protect the herd up to the end entrusted to it. For this reason it also put the leader to newly arrived mares. "These here "the Buryat natives" — they angry very much. They are as though closer to...