"Schemed against Andreyeva": As there was a career Jeanne Agalakova

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Jeanne Agalakova devoted the most part of the life to journalism, and also is the finalist of "TEFI-2002". Now because of political views many admirers of the TV host began to consider her as the traitress. Since the beginning of the 90th years Jeanne Agalakova worked as the correspondent of society column, however in 1995 settled on RTR canal. After a while the journalist was noticed by Kirillov Igor, and Jeanne Agalakova began to work for TV channel "NTV". The journalist became the host of the known Today program, however was dismissed from TV channel of TV channel "NTV" that on the air called the wrong number of victims in...
Jeanne Agalakova
Main activity:Journalist
Kirillov Igor
Andreeva Catherina
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