Popular animated films and masterpieces of world cinematography will translate into the Chechen language

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The day before in Ministry science and education Chechen Republic the first meeting of Advisory council on preservation and development the Chechen language took place at President of the Republic of Chechen. The meeting was held by the head of Administration of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic Galas Sultanovich Taymaskhanov. Representatives took part in work of meeting Parliament of the Chechen Republic, Ministry of Culture of the Chechen Republic, and also members of the committee of Government of the Chechen Republic by preschool education and the Union of writers of ChR the minister of educations and sciences of ChR Khozh-Baudi Daaev, the president of Academy of Sciences Dzhambulat Umarov, the minister of ChR of physical culture, sports and youth policy Ibragimov Isa, the rector of CHGPU Baykhanov Ismail...