searches at artists in 1976 found a mention of "lieutenant Putin" in protocols

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The Petersburg historian Sholmov Konstantin found a mention of "lieutenant Putin" in protocols searches, carried out in 1976 in the Soviet artists Yuly Rybakov and Volkov Oleg. The document is stored in Museum political history, Sholmov Konstantin on the page in Facebook * In August, 1976 of Yuly Rybakov reported and Volkov Oleg you put on a wall of the Gosudarevy bastion of the Peter and Paul Fortress a 42-meter inscription "Crucify freedom, but the soul of the person does not know fetters! ". As a result this phrase was visible from windows of the Hermitage and from Dvortsovaya Embankment. The inscription appeared at night, and in the morning "scene" examined...