The teacher of average of schools the villages of Vadinsk took part in regional pedagogical salon

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The teacher Vadinskoy of average of schools Ryabova Olga took part on November 23, 2022 in regional pedagogical salon "Event Approach to the Organization Integration Fixed and Extracurricular Activities". Participants of salon got acquainted with spaces of the center available now on identification and support of exceptional children and youth Penza Region "Klyuchevsky". Also participants of action discussed with the mathematics teacher of Provincial lyceum Mikhail Aleksandrovich Govorukha competitive test "An educational event", presented to them in the final the All-Russian competitions "The teacher of year – 2022"...
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Govorukha
Last position: Mathematics teacher (GUBERNSKY LYCEUM)
Dyatlov Vitaly
Ryabova Olga