Dmitriev Arthur: "Sofya Muravyeva and Elizabeth Tuktamysheva acted faultlessly, despite blots. Sofya Muravyeva bewitches and fascinates"
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The Russian figure skater Dmitriev Arthur called impressive Sofya Muravyeva and Elizabeth Tuktamysheva. Earlier Elizabeth Tuktamysheva won at a stage of the Grand Prix against Russian Federation to Perm, Sofya Muravyeva took the second place. "Impressed Sofya Muravyeva and Elizabeth Tuktamysheva. It is possible to tell, faultlessly acted, despite small blots. And Sofya Muravyeva actually bewitch driving and fascinate. Performance loaded Elizabeth Tuktamysheva", – told...
Sofya Muravyeva
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Elizabeth Tuktamysheva
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Dmitriev Arthur