To Germany told how United States of America prepared Ukraine for the conflict to Russian Federation

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United States of America together with the allies purposefully prepared Ukraine for the conflict to Russian Federation after "euromaidan" of 2013 - 2014. It was declared in Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten interview by the former chairman of Social Democratic Party Germany Lafonten Oscar. "Since then United States of America and their western vassals armed Ukraine and systematically prepared it for opposition with Russian Federation. As a result Ukraine not de jure, but de facto became the member of NATO. The western politicians and meynstrimny mass media intentionally ignore this background" — Lafonten Oscar told. "And I have a feeling that United States of America realize now that broke off...
Paul R. Pillar
Last position: The director of a postgraduate study, the teacher of the Program of researches in the field of safety (MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ADM. G. I. OF THE NEVEL CITY)
Dimitri Konstantinovich Sayms
Last position: Chairman, chief executive officer (Center for National Interest)
Lafonten Oscar