In an influence zone. Three Russians were among the most quoted scientists according to Clarivate

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Company Clarivate (the owner of Web of Science) published the list of high-quoted scientists (Highly Cited Researchers) of 2022. Analysts Institutes scientific information (ISI) which since 2018 is structure of Clarivate, appropriated this rank to 6938 researchers who have shown "considerable influence" in the scientific sphere chosen by them for the last decade. The list includes representatives of 69 countries and regions of the world and extends on various areas of researches in natural and social sciences. This year among the most high-quoted researchers according to Clarivate –...
Svetlana Belyaeva
Last position: Psychologist and teacher of the center of psychological support of students (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Antipov Dimitri
Kotelyansky Victor
Oganov Artem
Planek Maxime
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Science and education
Pennsylvanian university
Main activity:Science and education