The second time during the fall flooded a kindergarten to Almaty, more than 30 million tenges allocated for repair which

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In the Zhetysusky area Almaty once again flooded a day nursery gardens No. 163 - passed slightly more than a month since plentiful rains again became the reason of a leakage of a roof, the correspondent of NUR.KZ reports with reference to the press service of city akimat. According to akimat, competition on repair a roof was held and internal works in building a kindergarten No. 163 for the sum of 31 754 278 tenges, tender won "Bolasha LLP қ Құ rylys". "on September 19, 2022 contract was signed with them. The end of repair work was planned for November 30, 2022. At present there is repair a roof and external part of the building kindergartens. Estimate...