The prices of diesel fuel in Kazakhstan grew by 13% in a year

@Delovoj Kazahstan
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Photo: SR Diesel fuel rose in price for 13% in a year, winter — at once for 31%. Production diesel fuel grew by 10% in a year. For January-October of the current year in the country made 4,6 million tons diesel fuel — 9,7% more, than year before. As a whole for 2021 in the country production grew by 6,6% in a year, to 5 million tons of diesel fuel. Following the results of January-August of the current year the local companies provided demand (realization in domestic market plus export) on diesel fuel for 99,3%, against 97,3% year before. Production for this period made 3,6 million tons — 7,9% more, than year before. Import and...