Whether participation of the interdependent person (the affiliated organization) in competitive purchases the head companies under the Law N Law "About Purchases of Goods, Works, Services by Separate Types of Legal Entities" is possible?

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On the matter we adhere to the following position: In itself participation in competitive purchase the person mentioned in a question does not contradict the law. However under certain circumstances the conclusion with such person can be qualified by the customer of contracts as the action violating the law on protection of the competition. Position justification: According to h. 5 Art. 3 of the Federal law of July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ "About purchases of goods, works, services by separate types of legal entities" (further - the Law N Law "About Purchases of Goods, Works, Services by Separate Types of Legal Entities") the participant of purchases are any legal entity or some legal entities...