"Gosuslugi Cars" appeared in "VKontakte"

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Soderzhaniye2022 Start on the VK Mini Apps Ministry of Communication and Mass Communication of the Russian Federation and Ministries of Internal Affairs test the electronic driving license in all regions Russian Federation Russians will be able to raise an electronic driving claim In the <18> Gosuslugi Car appendix there was an Evroprotokol Online service Ministry of Communication and Mass Communication of the Russian Federation and Ministries of Internal Affairs agreed on the plan for introduction of the driver's license in the form of the Opportunity QR code to appeal against penalties for violation of traffic regulations 2021 Realization of services on transfer of managements cars to other person Appendix Announcement of the Note 2022 Start on the VK Mini Apps platform of Gosuslugi started the test version of a mini-application of "Car" on the VK platform...