The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection Kaluga Region invites to take part in annual fair of vacancies

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On November 17 from 14.00 till 17.00 in the exhibition center of ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE KALUGA REGION - EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY OF THE KALUGA REGION with the assistance of more than 30 enterprises of area fair of vacancies and educational workplaces will work. The organizer of fair – the Kaluga personnel center modernized within the Demography national project, with support of MINISTERSTVO TRUDA I SOTSIALNOY ZASHCHITY KALUZHSKOY OBLASTI. Partners of the personnel center also will take part in action: State Labour Inspectorate of the Kaluga region, OPFR on of the Kaluga region, Agency developments businesses Kaluga Region, PUBLICLY FUNDED NATIONAL INSTITUTION TO "MFTS KALUGA OBLAST", open company...