Leonid Ivanovich Pasechnik signed the decree about liquidation of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Luhansk People's Republic

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The acting as Head of Luhansk People's Republic Leonid Ivanovich Pasechnik the decree liquidated the republic State Office of Public Prosecutor. About it on November 14 it is spoken in the text of the decree published on the official site Leonid Ivanovich Pasechnik. "I decide: to liquidate General prosecutor's office Luganskoy narodnoy respublike" — it is spoken in the decree text. The relevant decision was made in connection with reunion of Luhansk People's Republic with Russian Federation. According to the document, it is necessary to finish elimination procedure no later than January 12, 2023. As reported information agency "REGNUM", earlier Leonid Ivanovich Pasechnik disposed to liquidate the Ministry...