To Russian Federation reported about destruction of saboteurs of VSU on the Kinburnsky spit

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The Kinburnsky braid is located in the south County of Mykolaiv, with Ochakov it is divided by the 10-kilometer passage. As reported Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" in power services, in attempt of disembarkation about 20 saboteurs and four watercrafts of the Photo were destroyed: Yandeks.Karty the Diversionary group of forces of special operations VSU made disembarkation attempt near the village Pokrovsk on the Kinburnsky spit in County of Mykolaiv. Four watercrafts and to 20 soldiers are destroyed, reports Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" with reference to power structures. "This morning in disembarkation attempt near the village Pokrovsk on the Kinburnsky spit it is destroyed...