Saint Ekaterina's fund paid training of 12 experts for hospitals Verkhoturya20 of October, 2022 16:44

@Pravda UrFO
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The central hospital Verkhoturye got a grant of fund of Saint Ekaterina for medical staff preparation. Within the project of 12 employees of medical institution will be able to be trained in the Serov branch of medical college and to return on workplaces in the status of paramedics. It is noted that 40 people applied for training in the project. "This program was developed in 2018. Training is constructed so that teachers came to students, and students did practical training on places. Our purpose – that in four years Verkhotursky TsRB received the new accredited experts", – the manager told...
Alexander Chebykin
Main activity:Official
Luchnikova Natalia
Prusevich Tatyana
Medical college
Ministry area health care
Government Agency
Government Agency