The Culture will show literary Association on a portal. Russian Federation the best archival video projects

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Since November 14 Association of the literary museums Penza Region on a portal Culture. Russian Federation will start documentary films, video excursions and video projects which were created by museum employees in 2021-2022 to display. Translations will proceed within two weeks, daily except days off. Beginning at 16:00. Start will be given by excursion of the Russian actor theaters and cinema Andrey Zibrov on museum Kuprin A. I.. Video was written down in 2021 for demonstration within the 37th Kuprin literary holiday which has passed in an online format. Andrey Zibrov penetrating tells about life of the writer...
Andrey Zibrov
Last position: Actor
Kuprin A. I.
Kuprina A. I.
Belinsky V. G.