The deputy of NANOSECOND of Donetsk People's Republic declared advance of the Russian armies in Artemivsk

@Moskovskij komsomolets
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The deputy of National Council of the Donetsk city National Republic Berdichevsky Wladyslaw declared that in city line Artemivsk as of Tuesday fights go with variable success, and the opponent will resist to the last. He told about it in conversation with business newspaper "Vzglyad". Berdichevsky Wladyslaw believes that the situation at the front in Artemivsk makes an exception against being "in a stagnation mode" provisions at the front in Donetsk People's Republic. According to the deputy, fights in city line Artemivsk go with variable success. Also he added that according to Ugledar and to the area Liman the general provision remains the same, having reminded the words that...