Sofia reported details of an identification of a body of the Ukrainian military pilot Matyushenko Mikhail

@RIA Novosti
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© Photo: Buchansk_y m_sk_y rad_ Colonel of the Ukrainian Air Force Matyushenko Mikhail. Archival photo Moscow, 7 Nov - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The body destroyed in fight in the sky over the Black Sea the pilot Matyushenko Mikhail who ordered the crew of tactical aircraft of the Ukrainian armies called "ghosts of Kiev", was revealed in September near the Bulgarian port Tzarevo – more than in two months after death, reports the 24 hours edition with reference to local militiamen. The authorities to Kiev Oblast reported that Matyushenko Mikhail is found at the beginning of October. According to the chief inspector of management Ministries of Internal Affairs on...