Experts of BRUEGEL and IIF estimated effect of the western sanctions against Russian Federation

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Experts of BRUEGEL and IIF declared an inefficiency of the western sanctions against Russian Federation the Sanction Plot against Russian Federation: The western sanctions did not lead to such decrease in the income budgets Russian Federation to reduce duration of special military operation in Ukraine. But the effect from them will amplify over time, experts of the European analytical center of BRUEGEL Maria Demertsis and Makvilyams Ben and economists of the Washington Institute of Int Finance, Inc Rybakova Elina declared and Benjamin Hayldzhenstok, reports daily business newspaper "RBK daily". Experts consider that surplus of the balance of payments Russian Federation because of powerful...
Makvilyams Ben
Rybakova Elina
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Finance