In Karatuzskoe district prosecutor's office in court achieved collecting material damage as a result of granting low-quality premises for orphan children the former head of municipality

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office of the Karatuzskoe district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory carried out an inspection of observance of the budgetary legislation. The resolution of regional vessels on the nereabilitiruyushchy basis in connection with lapse of time stopped criminal prosecution concerning the former head of Administration of the Karatuzskoye district. She is found guilty of the commission of crime, the criminal code of Russian Federation (negligence) provided p.1 by Art. 293. In court it was established that during the period from June to December, 2014 the defendant fulfilled in an inadequate way functions and significantly violated the rights and legitimate interests of 8 citizens belonging to category...