Soccer. Championship Belarus. Oleg Veretilo, Zheleznikov Gleb and Rylach apply for a prize of the player of "Fair Play" 28 of round

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Started Betera vote with definition of the player of "Fair Play" of the 28th round" Open joint-stock company "Joint-stock savings bank "Belarusbank" – the Highest league". Three football players are nominated for an award of Betera — Oleg Veretilo ("Vitebsk"), Zheleznikov Gleb ("Dnepr") and Andrey Rylach ("Energetik-BGU"). Why they? Oleg Veretilo did not celebrate a goal in gate of the former team, having shown palms to the Brest fans. Zheleznikov Gleb and Rylach apologized before goalkeepers of teams rivals for episodes in which they unintentionally violated rules. "Fair Play" of the 28th round will be defined by poll of fans till November 4 inclusive, and also vote of the special commission, in...