Prosecutor's office of the Balagansk district of the Irkutsk region through court forced the persons guilty of the illegal cabin of the wood, to clear places of illegal logging of the felling remains

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office of the Balagansk district of the Irkutsk region carried out an inspection of performance of the forest legislation. It is established that two locals made the wood cabin without allowing documentation, for what court were found guilty of commission of the crimes provided by Art. 260 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (the illegal cabin of forest plantings). Further in defiance of requirements Federal law of the Russian Federation of 4 December 2006 No. 200-FZ "On the Forest Code of the Russian Federation", Rules of fire safety in the woods, and also Rules of preparation wood of a place of illegal cabins were not cleared of the felling remains. In this regard the prosecutor of the area sent to court the statement of claim about compulsion of the condemned persons...