The ex-director Department of Prices and Tariffs of administration of the Vladimir region headed the Vladimir branch PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "T PLUS"

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The Vladimir branch of companies PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "T PLUS", responsible for heating and hot water in Vladimir, and also in some territories 33 regions, was headed by Roman Nikolaevich Sorokin. Information on it appeared on the official site of companies. The new director of the Vladimir branch PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "T PLUS" not the new person for Vladimir Region. For the first time it appeared in the 33rd region in 2013. The governor of that time Orlova Svetlana appointed him the director of the department of the prices and tariffs. Having worked on this post three years, in December, 2016 he heads Vladimirenergo branch of JSC INSURANCE COMPANY "INTERREGIONAL GRID DISTRIBUTION COMPANY" the Center and Volga region. By the way, "Vladimirenergo" it...