In Krylovskaya district the sentence concerning the driver who has left a place of road accidents as a result of whom the cyclist was lost] is pronounce

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Krylovskaya district district court Krasnodar territory pronounced a sentence concerning the 41-year-old local Naduev Shamkhan. He is found guilty of the commission of crime, the provided item of h. 4 Art. 264 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (violation of traffic regulations at management car, entailed on imprudence death of the person, interfaced to leaving of a place of commission of crime). It is established that in the evening on October 28, 2020 the citizen, operating car "GAZ-330232" ("Gazelle"), and following on Kondratyuk St. carriageway in the station. October Krylovskaya district, violated Rules of traffic Russian Federation therefore allowed arrival on...