The ex-deputy head Rostov Region Sidash Sergei got conditional penal on the case of sand on 223 million rubles

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On Tuesday, October 25, the Kirov regional court Rostov-on-Don announced a sentence of the ex-deputy head of the region to Sidash Sergei on the case of sand. Let's remind, at improvement of approaches to stadium "Rostov Arena" the contractor used fine-grained and cheaper sand, than was declared in the estimate. It allowed to steal from federal funds of 223 million rubles. On accused on business there passed the ex-deputy governor Sidash Sergei who knew about frauds. Evidences against it were given by the ex-minister of constructions to RO Nicholas Bezuglov who also was under examination because of an abuse of authority. Except them persons involved in...
Nicholas Bezuglov
Main activity:Official
Sidash Sergei
Redko Vasilii
Levanov Valentine
Androsov Andrey