"Wons from here": why Olga Skabeeva exposed from studio of the influential guest

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Olga Skabeeva to Read in Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) the TV host lost self-control. Olga Skabeeva allows to arrange nobody buffoonery on shootings of the show. The journalist does not stop, even when she is faced by influential people. The known political scientist Nikita Isaev became responsible for the next skirmish. Once only skilled expert received the word, that unflatteringly spoke the events on the world scene, having trodden on thus corns of the audience "60 minutes". Nikita Isaev Olga Skabeeva could not endure provocation: the TV host several times tried to appeal staying to an order and when to calm down it did not manage, asked...
Olga Skabeeva
Last position: The leader of the social and political talk show "60 minutes" on Russia-1 TV channel (VGTRK)