Soccer. Championship Poland (D2). "Termalika" could not win against "Sandetsyyu". Pavlyuchenko Pawel in the field did not leave

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"Termaliki's" football players from the village Netsecha could not overcome "Sandetsyyu" from New Soncha in a match of the 15th round of the second division of the championship Poland. The Belarusian goalkeeper of "elephants" Pavlyuchenko Pawel did not leave again in the field, remaining in a stock. In standings the team from Netsechi takes the ninth place with 20 points. "Dense forest" from Niepolomice with 27 points is in the lead. Sandetsya — Termalika — 1:1 Goals: 0:1 — Mesanovich (70). 1:1 — Foll (81). Preventions: Supporters of Putin (8), Valski (16), Sosvich (34), Spark (59), Gabrykh (90). Removal: Sosvich...