ERG introduced InfoDiode Smart agrarian and industrial complex for defense of perimeter of critical information infrastructure of the enterprises

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2022: Introduction of agrarian and industrial complex of InfoDiode Smart on October 18, 2022 company AMT-GRUP declared project end on introduction products lines of AMT InfoDiode – InfoDiode SMART agrarian and industrial complex in ERG (the Euroasian Group). According to companies, the project became the first application of InfoDiode for protection of the critical information infrastructure (CII) in Kazakhstan. Introduction of this decision shows the advanced approach of ERG companies, one of the largest power holdings Kazakhstan, to network segmentation and protection of network perimeter. InfoDiode SMART agrarian and industrial complex – security measure information, being...
Alexander Leonidovich Goltsov
Last position: CEO (CJSC "AMT Group")
PJSC Siberia Airlines
Main activity:Transport
компания ERG