In the sports hall of bolkhovsky technical school will replace the brought-down roof

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Government of the Oryol region will be allocated by more than 1,4 million rubles for elimination of consequences of a collapse of a roof of the sports hall of bolkhovsky branch of the Oryol technical school of agrobusiness and service. Funds for a new roof will allocate from rezevny fund. The corresponding order the governor signed Oryol Region Andrey Klychkov. Let's remind, the roof of a gym of branch No. 1 STATE-FUNDED INSTITUTION OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "ORLOVSKY TEKHNIKUM AGROBIZNESA I SERVISA" collapsed on August 13. On this fact regional SK brought criminal case according to p.1 Art. 293 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (negligence). To the director of STATE-FUNDED INSTITUTION OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "ORLOVSKY TEKHNIKUM AGROBIZNESA I SERVISA", and also...