Members of the commission on selection of candidates for a post of the mayor Kemerovo] are appointe

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In Kemerovo Region members of a contest committee on selection of candidates for a position of the mayor of Kemerovo are appointed. The corresponding order the governor signed Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev, the correspondent of information agency "REGNUM" reports. According to the document, DEPARTMENT VNUTRENNEY POLITIKI Levkovich Olesya, the Deputy Prime Minister Kemerovo Region Sergei Nikolaevich Vashchenko, the chief of managements shots and civil services Regionalnoye government Inna Alferova the deputy governor on domestic policy Olga Turbaba, the chairman of Oblastnoy parlament Zelenin Aleksey, the chief. Before news agency...
Ilya Seredyuk
Main activity:Official
Sergey Tsivilev
Main activity:Politician
Olga Turbaba
Last position: The deputy governor on domestic policy (ADMINISTRATION GOVERNMENT OF THE KEMEROVO REGION)
Inna Alferova
Last position: Head of department of shots and public service (ADMINISTRATION GOVERNMENT OF THE KEMEROVO REGION)
Oblastnoy parlament
Government Agency
Government Agency
Regionalnoye government
Government Agency