In Novosibirsk in honor of the 100 anniversary of the Russian jazz will act Larissa Dolina and Igor Mikhaylovich Bootman

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The concert will take place within the actions devoted to the 85 anniversary Novosibirsk Region, with support of regional Ministry of culture. The first deputy governor Youri Nikolaevich Petukhov met the national actor Russian Federation, the saxophonist Igor Mikhaylovich Bootman who is the organizer of gala concert to the 100 anniversary of the Russian jazz. About it reported in the press service of Government of the Novosibirsk region. In honor of a holiday on a scene of GKZ of a name Arnold Mikhaylovich Kats will act the Moscow jazz orchestra under management Igor Mikhaylovich Bootman. Also national actors Russian Federation Larissa Dolina and Cramer Daniil, known representatives become participants of gala concert...
Igor Mikhaylovich Bootman
Main activity:Cultural worker
Larissa Dolina
Last position: Manager of chair of variety and jazz singing (MOSCOW CITY GOSUDARSTVENNY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION KULTURY)
Youri Nikolaevich Petukhov
Last position: Head of the department of choreographic education (Academy Russian ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganovoy)
Cramer Daniil
Региональное минкультуры
Government Agency