In regional CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL the new director] is appointe

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10.10.2022 3838 New director regional CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL became Malakhov Dmitry Petrovich. The relevant order Tatyana Kotelnikov signed the acting the chief of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OBRAZOVANIYA and sciences Tambov Region. It started fulfillment of duties since September 30. In 2012 Malakhov Dmitry Petrovich gained the diploma of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "TAMBOVSKY STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER G. R. DERZHAVINA", TGU NAMED AFTER G. R. DERZHAVINA in "Physical culture and sport". Malakhov Dmitry Petrovich began professional pedagogical activity in 2010 in regional children's and youth sports school as the trainer-teacher. Then worked in the educational organizations...