Joint-stock company "National company "KazMunayGaz" will continue deliveries oil to the Romanian oil refinery in a regular mode

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Joint-stock company "National company "KazMunayGaz" will continue deliveries oil for needs of the Romanian oil refinery, KMG press service following the results of a meeting of the chairman of the board of companies Magzum Mirzagaliev with the Minister of Energy reported Romania Virdzhil-Daniel Popesku in Astana. "The head of KMG certified the Romanian party about intention to continue deliveries oil for needs of Petromidia Oil Refinery in a usual mode", - is spoken in the press release. "This year 15 years were executed from the moment of acquisition by Joint-stock company "National company "KazMunayGaz" groups of companies by Rompetrol Group N.V. (now - KMG International). To this day this acquisition and the subsequent...
Magzum Mirzagaliev
Main activity:Official
Virdzhil-Daniel Popesku
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Energy of Romania)
Joint-stock company National company "KazMunayGaz"
Main activity:Production of coke, oil products and nuclear materials