Upon death of the pedestrian as a result road accidents, an event 03.10.2022 around one from shopping centers of Yakutsk are brought criminal case

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office cities Yakutsk Sakha (Yakutia) Republic recognized lawful the resolution of the senior investigators on Department of Internal Affairs of SU of State enterprise "Construction and installation administration MVD" Russian Federation "Yakut" of 03.10.2022 about initiation of legal proceedings on h. 3 Art. 264 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (violation by the person, the managing director of car, traffic regulations entailed on imprudence death of the person). At initiation of legal proceedings it is established that 03.10.2022 about 14 hours 10 minutes the driver of the truck crane manipulator, at movement by a backing, without having convinced in safety maneuver, made arrival on the pedestrian. As a result of traumatized the victim died on a scene. Now on criminal case...