CFO PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK FINANCIAL CORPORATION "SISTEMA" Vladimir Travkov became the financial director of Segezha

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The ex-financial director of Segezha Aliev Rovshan held a similar post in Travkov Afk Moscow. October 3. information agency "Interfaks" - the Vice-president for finance PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK FINANCIAL CORPORATION "SISTEMA" Vladimir Travkov passed to a position of the vice-president for finance and to investments LLC "GROUP OF COMPANIES "SEGEZHA", entering a portfolio of assets of corporation. About it reported in the press service of LLC "GROUP OF COMPANIES "SEGEZHA" following the results of meeting boards of directors, taken place on last week. On September 28 board of directors Segezha made the decision to stop powers of the board member, the financial director timber industry holdings Aliev Rovshan whereas in board of companies since October 3 it is chosen...