It became known why Mkrtchan Frunzik did not act in "Gentlemen of good luck"

@Rossijskaja gazeta
Show original is told About this situation in the documentary picture "Gentlemen of Good Luck, the Facts about the Movie" to which journalists of "Blitz%2B" paid attention. Shootings had to take place in the fall of 1970. Mkrtchan Frunzik ideally passed tests, Georgy Nikolaevich Daneliya was happy. However at the last minute it became clear that Mkrtchyan Frunzik will not be able to take in them part: the actor invited to the fiftieth anniversary from the date of educations Armenian the Soviet Socialist Republic. And, during festive events to Mkrtchyan Frunzik had to appropriate a rank of the national actor Armenian to the Soviet Socialist Republic. It should go, and the movie remained without one of...
Vladimir Abramovich Etush
Main activity:Cultural worker
Mkrtchan Frunzik
Mkrtchyan Frunzik
Khachikyan Ruben
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