a uchitel from Izhevsk Malinin Artem became the owner of a special prize of competition "The teacher of year Russian Federation – 2022"

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To Tyumen the All-Russian competitions "The teacher of year Russian Federation – 2022" defined prize-winners. Five participants will continue fight for a rank of the teacher of year of the country and the first prize of competition – the Big crystal pelican. Among applicants for a place in the final there was a teacher of history of a gymnasium of K. Gerd Malinin Artem . Following the results of tests it is awarded by a special prize in the nomination "For Skill in Use of Information and Communication Technologies at School". Prize the director of communications with universities handed over to Malinin Artem Sergei Aleksandrovich Mardanov. Malinin Artem was included in number 15 of the best teachers of the country...