Eugenie Serafimovich Lovchev listed changes in "Spartak" after arrival Guillermo Abaskal Peres

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The veteran JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FC "SPARTAK-MOSKVA" Eugenie Serafimovich Lovchev declared that the head coach red-white Guillermo Abaskal Peres could change team philosophy thanks to what it began to derive pleasure from soccer. "Spartak" in comparison with last season added in philosophy. Trainers understood that the history about that "to put buses" at the gate, became outdated. It is possible to take away simply a ball from the gate, attacking others gate, and goals to score. Now to us trainers who propagandize attack came. Look how "Spartak" catches a high from the game, football players like to play with a ball. At Guillermo Abaskal Peres other philosophy...
Guillermo Abaskal Peres (Guillermo Abaskal)
Last position: Head coach (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FC "SPARTAK-MOSKVA")
Alexander Sobolev
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FC "SPARTAK-MOSKVA")
Kvinsi Anton Promes
Main activity:Athlete
Eugenie Serafimovich Lovchev
Last position: Regular observer of the Sovetsky Sport newspaper (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PUBLISHING HOUSE "KOMSOMOLSKAYA PRAVDA")
Main activity:Culture and sports