Oil and gas company of a name of M. I. Glinka on OpenBio

@NGK im. Glinki
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Students of chair of wind and percussion instruments acted within a prestigious branch complex of actions of OpenBio on September 27 - 30 in the science city of Koltsovo passed the ninth branch complex of actions in the field of biotechnologies. The second year in a row ours higher education institution acts as the creative partner of OpenBio. This time saxophonists Alice and Nikita Objezchikovy took part in the program of opening of a forum, and on September 29 in Bioscience and technology park of Koltsovo Gershwin, Brady and Yakobs's compositions performed by a quartet of clarinetists in structure were heard: Samartseva Vladislava, Sotnikova Svetlana, Saidzhonashokirova...
Nicholas Sannikov
Last position: Deputy (City Council of municipal unit Izhevsk city)
Samartseva Vladislava
Sotnikova Svetlana
Linyushina Julia
Sannikova Natalia